Thursday, March 13, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Warning: this blog post bounces around. A lot.

Sooooo I went to the doctor and the dentist. Guess what I have in the next week or two? A consultation to get my wisdom teeth out.


I am terrified, but I guess it just needs to happen. Better to get them out now rather than be on my mission and be in pain, I guess. So I'm going to have to put on my big girl pants and just face the facts.

This week has been pretty good. But, I have been lacking in the scripture study department. I wrote a talk for sacrament on Sunday, but that was the last time I opened up my scriptures. i know. Totally not okay, but my two best friends are home from school and I have been spending literally every waking moment with them, or at work making bank. Okay, not making bank. Probably making enough to buy a few skirts and tops for my mission, and to hang out with some friends but you know, a job is a job and money is money and I am not complaining.

I am finally finished with everything I need (minus the wisdom teeth) for my mission. I pick up my forms from my doctor tomorrow and I am fin. I am so stoked. They say that satan works the hardest on the people who are going to help the most people and change the lives of people through the gospel. I better be baptizing the entire country I am going to be sent to because dang. Things have been tough and just weird. Dates and times I scheduled things would pleasantly fall on the same dates and times of other big events, people will try to tempt me to doing things they know I do not do, there are certain people that I need to sing "Love One Another" about in my head sometimes just to get through a few hours with them and a whole bunch more, but it honestly just gives me the strength and the courage to keep going and to keep studying and keeping myself as worthy as I can to be the best missionary I can be, not only for 18 months, but for the rest of my life here on earth.

I can only say, work toward the person you want to be. You are not going to completely change and grow over night. It's going to take time and effort, but it is worth it. I am still in the process of changing myself and trying to be the best person I can be, but everyday counts and everyday is a new day.

Okay, that got gushy but I felt like I needed to say it.

This weekend is going to be insane. It is my nephew and two of my brothers' birthdays so we're having a huge combined family party that I should probably be cleaning for right now instead of blogging but eh.

Allen is 37, Aaron is 34, and Aidan is 9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRANDPA'S!

Thanks for reading about my totally boring life. I promise once the papers are in and I find out where I'm going, things will start getting exciting! Unless it's somewhere boring like the DC South mission considering I live here. haha BUUUUUUUT, I will go where The Lord wants me to go. My best friends dad said something to me that really struck me. He said, "It is not the same thing to say 'I will go where you want me to go' as it is to say 'I want to go where you want me to go'" It is all about perspective and fully putting your trust in The Lord and knowing you are going to be sent where you can help the most people. Because this work isn't for ourselves. It is for those who need and want to be informed of all of the beauty the gospel of Jesus Christ has to offer. It is not going to be an easy 18 months, but I know it will be the best of my life.

Until next time.

If you have any questions or comments, let me know :)



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